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Galena High School Sculpture and Tree Garden

Built by students, the sculpture garden at Galena High School will reach about 1,400 students and their families annually.  Approximately 350 new students enroll each year. 

​The garden is conveniently located between the campus buildings and the sports fields and adjacent to the parking.  Visible from the street, the garden draws significant foot traffic daily and during sporting events. 

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Limited sponsorships available


Sponsor a sculpture designed and manufactured by students


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Sponsor a fountain designed and manufactured by students


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Sponsor a bench designed and manufactured by students


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Sponsor a Tree raised and planted by students


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Sponsor a Bush/Shrub raised and planted by students


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Contribute to the landscaping maintained by students


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The term of each sponsorship is for two years from August 2023 to July 2025.  A plaque with your or your organizations name and or logo will be placed next to each item for the duration of the term.  You will have an option to renew your sponsorship at the end of each term.

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